
Pure Sex...

The most sexy musical instrument is a ... talk box! Just imagine - somebody's nicely shaped lips tightly wrapped around it's steel rod, making such obscene noises with such a hot expression. It's just pure sex.. *__*

And my Google search is trying to play a prank on me.. o.O why on my query of "Matthias Jabs" does it show me a Richie fucking Sambora's faces?! does my stupidity rub off on my computer?

Though there is some ve~ery freaking nice thing.. it's a....

*__* My God.. They're two great guitarists (to my liking) to whose feet I may very surely fall if met on the street.. No Jin the fucking Akanishi will ever be an equal to them in any way (and I can say with confidence that even no JE-idol too). They're just..they're just being themselves, them-so-greatly-adored-selves..
Oh, and one more thing...

And now I may calmly collapse to my shaking knees.. 'cause I just love them like no-one else.

@музыка: One Step Closer

@темы: вздрямкнуло, музыка's, драгоценности, папА

13.05.2010 в 12:47

..пусть взорвется ярким светом моя звезда твоей планеты..буйство красок, бред сознания..мне так хотелось понимания..
О.о One Step Closer?!LP?! <3
13.05.2010 в 13:16

:lol: :five: это дядя Джон.. :walkman:
13.05.2010 в 13:20

..пусть взорвется ярким светом моя звезда твоей планеты..буйство красок, бред сознания..мне так хотелось понимания..
Aeterna, эх блиииииииииииин *засмущался и спрятался под стол*
Увидела знакомое название просто^^
13.05.2010 в 13:23

yes yes, it happens time after time.. the title of the song is just the same.. =)

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